Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Posters Name: Krogue
Posters Email: krogue@mwgl.org
Subject: Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Well, the rumors you have heard are true. The MWGL Unreal Tournament Team Deathmatch Squad has won a game. On Tuesday, the MWGL entered into battle against the Disciples of Confuzion.

And, although the MWGL squad was without the amazing skills and cunning tactical mind of this particular player, they were still shockingly able to devise an upset against their foes. The first game was won by a score of 106 - 65. Probably the coolest part of this game was the fact that the server they were playing on had some kind of IRC bot that sent a blow by blow report back to the IRC chat room we were in. Those of us unable to participate could watch as the two teams engaged in deadly combat.

Unfortunately, that server started acting goofy, so the teams had to switch over to another server. And, although we were unable to track that game, the MWGl still arose victorious from the UT TDM heap. That game ended at MWGL 150 to DoC 120.

So, to recap. MWGL WINS UT TDM league game with a score of 256 to 185.

Our next currently scheduled game is our CTF match on Monday night. stop by the MWGL IRC chat room (#mwgl)to check on start time.

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