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  Wednesday, Jul 10, 2002 Report News | Archive | Top  
SOF 2 Patch Released!
- Posted 8:44 PM By WaRMaN
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The eagerly awaited patch for the PC title Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix has been released for download.
The response to Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix has been terrific, and we thank all of our fans for their enthusiastic support of the product. As with all of our major new product releases, the product team has been closely monitoring the SoFII newsgroups, Web sites, and forums to gauge what our users are experiencing with the product. From these sources and a number of emails, we have addressed some issues that were identified after the product’s release.
For a list of what was fixed/changed, read the full story.
Full Story:
Issues Addressed in Patch 1.01:

Single Player:

- Fixed rotating brushes to load/save properly.
- Fixed several NPC animation issues where the AI would become stuck reloading, firing while leaning, or picking up weapons.
- Fixed kam3 navpoint bug.
- Fix for player dying for no apparent reason in shop6.
- Fix for col8 occasionally not ending.
- Allow editing and saving of navpoints so Modders can make SP levels.
- 3-button mouse w/o mousewheel will now work.
- NPCs have a difficult time seeing you when you are crouched or prone in tall grass. They will still, however, investigate the nearby area the player was last seen.
- Stun grenades have a greater affect on NPCs.
- Moving while crouching being regarded as running is now fixed
- Fixed crash in menus when background image wasn't found.
- Timegraph and mousemove graph now display blue and green lines on a black background rather than black on a black background
- Added new video card cfgs.


- Demolition gametype added.
- MP5SD weapon added.
- 4 new maps added.
- Fix for demo playback.
- RMG fixes for reliable connectivity to Linux dedicated servers.
- Small leaning bug fixed.
- MODs menu added to main screen to show list of installed MODs.
- Fix for time display in game logs.
- Exploit to get around limited enemy following was fixed.
- Buffer overrun fixed for team say in certain cubes on the raven map.
- Player will no longer slow down when walking through a puddle.
- When playing a demo back the objectives screen no longer pops up.
- "Use" key bind added for demolition gametype.
- "Drop item" key bind added to allow people to drop the flag, briefcase, or bomb.
- Should no longer be dropped off a server with "invalid pk3" message on map changes.
- Added "logfilename" server cvar to allow admins to specify the name of the qconsole.log file.
- Added "g_roundjointime" server cvar to allow the amount of time someone can join a round in progress in inf or dem.
- Added "g_suddenDeath" server cvar to allow control of whether a match should end if tied.
- Added "banip", "banclient", "banremoveip", and "banlist" server commands. New ban system allows up to 4096 bans and stores the bans in the file sof2mp.ban by default.
- Fire damage caused by walking through a fire grenade does not cause TK damage (initial blast does though).
- Gametype modders can now base their mod off another to use its entities and spawns.
- Server’s status request no longer shows the score of the client when someone is spectating them.
- Server’s status request now reports the team scores.
- Server’s status request now contains each client’s current team.
- Fire grenades don’t slow you down as much when you run through them.
- Death messages no longer disappear after a map change.
- Grenades that fall after being killed trying to throw one no longer cause team kill damage.
- Team kill damage should now forgive properly.
- Added hud indicators for CTF flag status.
- IP address added to server log file when someone connects.
- Entity func_wall added for demolition gametype.
- Entity target_effect added for demolition gametype.
- Ability to ban people for a given duration of time added.
- New server cvar "g_teamkillBanTime" which specifies the number of minutes you are banned for after being autokicked for team killing (default 5 minutes).
- New server cvar "g_voteKickBanTime" which specifies the number of minutes you are banned from the server after being vote kicked (default 0).
- Guns will no longer glow white in RMG fog when detail textures are on.
- Pause when clients join a team has been fixed.
- Servers will now exclude color-coding when sorting in the in-game browser
- Jump action should jump off ladders properly now
- Next and prev weapons (mousewheel by default) will now double as zoom in and zoom out when in zoom mode (can be turned off)
- Death messages now include the weapon name that did the killing



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