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  Thursday, Dec 19, 2002 Report News | Archive | Top  
Impossible Creatures
- Posted 8:00 AM By WaRMaN
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The year is 1937 and you are Rex Chance, renowned world adventurer and war correspondent. You have spent your life exploring the wilds of Africa, the ice shelves of Antarctica, and the sultry jungles of the Amazon. You’ve seen every beast on earth...or so you thought. You’ve just received word from your long lost father, scientist Dr. Eric Chanikov, who disappeared many years before. Suddenly, he now begs to see you. So you fly to the Isla Variatas in the South Pacific where he works in the employ of wealthy industrialist Upton Julius. But what begins as an innocent reunion quickly turns sour as you come face-to-face with the Sigma Technology and "Impossible Creatures"
Full Story:
Sigma Technolgy is the science of combining two animals to arrive at a more superior beast. The concept of this game is outrageous. Just combining the animals before the game even starts is hours of fun. Think of this title as the games "Black and White", and "Age of Empires" colide. It plays strictly as a unique real-time strategy (RTS), but in this RTS you must develop your animals as your primary weapons. You can mix a hawk with a gorilla to achieve a stronger flying animal. You can mix a porcupine with a cheetah to achieve a fast animal with the capability to shoot spines. Or maybe you want to combine a pirrana with a skunk to develop the almighty swimming stink attack.

The game comes with a very involved single player mission, and of course multiplayer. Also included is the life saving tutorial, which runs you through combing animals, developing buildings and other basic movements in the game. I personally am not a fan of this genre, but Impossible Creatures (demo) provided me with hours of enjoyment. Like I stated before, it is fun just to combine the animals to see what you can come up with. After combining the animals, you take a "snapshot" of how you want it to look. THen, you save the finished product in an army of 12 animals. There is also a zoo which keeps a history of every animal you create in case you just happen to forget just what uniue combined animal you crated

Microsoft Game Studios announced that Impossible Creatures has gone gold and is scheduled to ship to stores in North America on January 7. Developed by Relic Entertainment, Inc., this RTS will be available for an estimated price of $44.95 (U.S.). So, for all of you RTS multiplayer folks, this means good news...thats alot of peeps that have pre-paid for the game. Available now is the DEMO and the Fan Site Kit which includes box and concept art, screenshots and movies.

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