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  Friday, Sep 6, 2002 Report News | Archive | Top  
PC Rooms: Rated M For Mockery
- Posted 9:27 AM By Anthos
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This article caught my eye while browsing CS-Nation's website. It speaks mostly to LAN gaming centers and the lack of ID checking for a place that caters mainly to computer games with Mature ratings. Here's a bit of a preview:
Critics contend that such arcades have created a wide loophole in the already haphazard effort to keep children from access to games designed for adults. The PC rooms, which charge users about $5 an hour, typically do not check players' ages or limit access to games like Counter-Strike, which is rated M, meaning that it is for players 17 and older.

Opponents contend that the PC rooms are the equivalent of movie theaters that admit schoolchildren to R-rated movies on an unlimited and unchecked basis.

"It undermines the integrity of the rating system," said Dan Gerstein, a spokesman for Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, who has called on retailers to refrain from selling adult-rated games to children. "If arcade operators are applying their own standard, that's not fair to parents."
Read the rest of the article here. You will need to submit a free registration in order to view the article.
4 Comments Posted

#1 by Kagato on Friday, Sep 6 at 10:08 AM 
"If arcade operators are applying their own standard, that's not fair to parents." 
Uhm, unless little Johnny's parents gave the 14 year old a car, they're the ones 
driving his arse there, hence they should, uh, realize what it is they are taking 
him too, or HEAVEN FORBID they could follow in and ask the management. But 
nah, that's not the parents problem, it's not something THEY should be 
responsible for. Typical congressman (specially Lieberman) - trying to get himself 
in the limelight to pretend he gives a flying fook about the American Public.
#2 by Squirre1 on Friday, Sep 6 at 1:04 PM Well, you will not find the kids of the parents who started the whole rating fiasco at one of the LAN centers. I thank it is a LOAD of BS by paranoid people who think rock'n roll.. Oops, Computer games are going to take down the world.. Yeah look at what the rock and roll era did, not a damn thing. Even then I think the rating ordeal is not a legal requirement for them to check, but more of a moral responsibility.
#3 by Mojo_jojo on Friday, Sep 6 at 1:57 PM I agree that is not the responsibility of the managers to check the ID of everyone that comes in the door. If parents were more responsible for their kids actions, then we would not be having this discussion. A father would come into the store and let the manager know that little Johnny was not to play anything rated mature and if the manager screwed up after that, the manager goes down. Plain and simple. The other thing is that I don't think some of these games are doing any harm anyway. I have played CS and I don't see where it needs a "M" rating to begin with. I have seen some other games, UT, Q3A, for starters that deserve their rating. Have you seen some of the deaths that you can do with a rocket launcher? EWWW!! (my 2 cents)
#4 by Squirre1 on Friday, Sep 6 at 2:36 PM I think that was more like a dollar....

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