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  Monday, Mar 3, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
Sony Announces Blue Laser Recordable DVD
- Posted 7:39 PM By Kagato
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Needing a bit more backup storage than the current 4.7GB DVD-R/DVD+R can give you? Then break our your bank account because Sony has a brand new toy for you. For a mere $3,800, you'll soon be able to pick up Sony's new blue laser equipped DVD recorder, providing you with 26GB of backup lovin' per disc (which'll run 'ya about $30 each), or about two hours of high-definition broadcast.
The recorder, which includes a built-in broadcast satellite tuner, will hit store shelves in Japan on April 10. No date has been set yet for an overseas roll-out, she said.

The machine will give Sony, the world's largest consumer electronics maker, a head start over its partners in the Blu-ray consortium, a nine-member group of industry heavyweights that unveiled a common format for blue laser DVDs a year ago.

Blue light, with a shorter wavelength than red, can read and store data at much higher densities needed for high-definition recordings.
I think I'll hold out for a model that'll support 100GB+, haha.
  Tuesday, Mar 4, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
Tricks For Treats
- Posted 11:49 AM By Squirre1
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The guys over at Own-Age.com are offering a cash prize for the best 2-5 minute edited video of Quake 3 trick jumping... If your interested, you can check out the rules on their site.
Source: PlanetQuake
  Wednesday, Mar 5, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
Heads Up Helicopter Buffs
- Posted 1:09 PM By Squirre1
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Activision has released Apache Air Assault. It may not be a Commanche 4, but it defenitely looks sweet for any helicopter sim enthusiast. It is 30 missions of sand and jungle that is distributed under Activisions Value Brand.
  Thursday, Mar 6, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
Gaming University - Volume VI
- Posted 7:35 PM By Kagato
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Continuing on with their line of articles to put you in the know, GameSpy has now posted Volume VI of their Gaming University. This time around they field some questions from readers with Kenn Hoekstra, project manager for Raven Software. Word:
Q: What if you have prior experience working on computers, programming etc., but you didn't go to any school? What if you are a certified computer technician with all those fancy certificates (A+, C++, MCSA, MCSE, Cisco) and want a change of pace? Would [any company] hire you off the street, want some kind of prior work experience programming games, or want you to specifically have a college degree? -- Joe Sayler

A: The gaming industry is somewhat unique in the job market in that very little depends on formal education. Most of the game developers I've met are self-taught and are an even mix of people who have either: a) no post high school education, b) very little post high school education, or c) a college degree in a non-related field. Developers are interested in hiring people who can get the job done and aren't particularly interested in what piece of paper you have hanging on your wall. If you're self-taught and your demo/portfolio kicks ass, more power to you!

As far as IT jobs go, companies generally look for qualified people who are also gamers and who are interested in game development. For that matter, the same goes for accountants, office staff, attorneys, and other non-developer staff positions. We want people who work at the company to be interested in games and gaming.
If you'd like to read through the previous stories/volumes, head on over here for all the goodness.
Source: GameSpy
Futurama Becomes Console Title
- Posted 7:56 PM By Kagato
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Fans of the weekly cartoon Futurama rejoice! There's a console game in the work based on the characters from the show, and best of all, it's being developed for PS2, Xbox, and the GameCube, so nobody gets left out, woot! What's the premise of the game? In a word:
The game's story--which was written by the team responsible for the TV series--will see the player going up against an evil businesswoman named Mom who, after purchasing Planet Express Deliveries from Professor Farnsworth, now owns over half of the earth. As the planet's new supreme ruler, Mom plans to enslave humanity and turn the earth itself into a gigantic warship.
If you'd rather skip all the hoopla and catch a glimpse of it, GameSpot has 10 screencaps from the game. It's currently slated for a Sprint 2003 release.
Source: GameSpot
New ATI Cards Announced
- Posted 8:19 PM By Kagato
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If you've done ANY reading around the web today, in particular, hardware review sites, you probably have already hears about ATI's new batch of cards being released. In case you missed it, here's a brief summary:
Today's launch introduces three new RADEON product families, each with features, performance and value unmatched in their respective classes. The RADEON 9800 PRO is the fastest available and will win the hearts of hardcore gamers everywhere. The RADEON 9600 series delivers high-end features and performance with price tags that appeal to the broader market. The RADEON 9200 series, designed for the mainstream market, matches great value with performance and features suitable for today's 3D games.
At the top end of the scale, comes the Radeon 9800 Pro with an expected pricetag of $399. Word has it that there is to be a 256MB model due out sometime in April, selling for a whopping $499!. So how does the newest batch perform? Here's a few links to some of the reviews that you can now find online: HardOCP, Bjorn3D, Hot Hardware, HEXUS.net, and SimHQ.
  Friday, Mar 7, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
Licensing The Unreal Engine
- Posted 5:39 AM By Kagato
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These days, many software developers find it quicker and not to mention cheaper to purchase a tried and true 3D engine rather than developing one in house. Companies like ID and Epic Games both sell their Q3 and Unreal engines, but ever wonder how much they charge for their technology?
A handful of elite game development studios, including Raleigh-based Epic Games, also sell their own game engines. Mark Rein, Epic Games' vice president, said he is headed to San Jose this week to show the Unreal Engine to game developers. The engine -- which powered the "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" game -- carries a price tag of $300,000 per game, plus 3 percent of game royalties, or $600,000 with no royalties due.
You can read more on the full story here at newsobserver.com. Definately seems like a good idea to me, developers can worry more about game content, etc. instead of getting the games' main engine up and running.
Source: newsobserver.com
600,000 PS2 Online Adapters Sold
- Posted 5:47 AM By Kagato
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While you've heard Microsoft tooting their horn about currently having 350,000 users on their Xbox Live system, there's never been much update from Sony in reguards to their network adapters. Well, looks as if Sony has decided to announce that 600,000 people have bought one of their PS2 network adapters. Though it does beg to question:
One big question, however, is what exactly those 600,000 lucky owners of PS2 network adapters are doing with them. 200,000 odd of them are accounted for by the subscribers to Final Fantasy XI in Japan, but did 0.4 million people in North America really run out and buy the sparsely supported and under-promoted network adapters - and if so, what on earth are they doing with them?
I personally don't have one of the network adapters as of yet, I don't think I'd find it all that useful at this point. Now if they were to get Phantasy Star Online like the Xbox, then I might find myself running to the store to make the purchase.
Source: The Register
10k RPM SATA Drives?
- Posted 6:03 AM By Kagato
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Looks as though the folks at Western Digital are really wanting to push the SATA drive market forward. StorageReview.com has posted a new review of Western Digital's upcoming Raptor line, those being a new line of 10k RPM SATA drives.
WD believes 10k RPM ATA's time has come. According to WD, the key factor holding back higher spindle speeds was parallel ATA's lack of specification-level hot swap functionality. To be successful (initially, at least), any 10k RPM ATA drive must gun for the enterprise market. And in the enterprise, a sector that views outages as unacceptable, the ability to swap out a failed drive for another unit with minimal downtime is crucial. Serial ATA provides for such hot-swap functionality. Now that SATA is trickling into the channel, WD believes 10k RPM ATA's time has come.
Looks to be rather impressive results, even though the drive is still only a beta (i.e. firmware has a ways to go). The drive belts out some great scores and it comes close to matching performace with a couple of Ultra320 SCSI drives. Perhaps I'll finally have a reason to stop purchasing SCSI drives.
Source: StorageReview.com
Battlefield 1942 1.31 Patch
- Posted 11:26 AM By Kagato
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Not a major release, but some more fixes none the less for Battlefield 1942, bringing you to version 1.31. List of changes include:

Network/Server Fixes
  • We fixed a crash in co-op mode when restarting the map - this crash was known to occur right after a map switch
  • We removed the default Remote Admin Password for servers - there was a default password in place that could be used as an exploit
  • We changed the object collision system to prevent exploits involving players hiding inside of objects - more widely known as the"Coral Sea" bug

    Client Fixes
  • We locked out an exploit to prevent users from seeing through walls.

    Sound Fixes
  • We modified several attributes of the sound system to provide better sound performance. If you still experience problems, be sure to consult our guide below.

    You can download it from : FilePlanet, Gamershell and Worthplaying.
  •   Sunday, Mar 9, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Keyboard and Mouse for PS2
    - Posted 8:47 PM By WaRMaN
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    Logitech released its USB Keyboard and Optical Mouse designed for the PlayStation 2 to its US customers. The two components have been available in Japan since May of 2002. The USB Keyboard has a suggested retail price of $29.95 and the Optical Mouse $19.95.
    "We've taken our experience and leadership in keyboards and mice and used them to deliver two quality products that offer new control options to PlayStation®2 fans," said Fred Swan, Director of Marketing for Logitech's Audio and Interactive Entertainment Business Unit. "As more and more titles provide the option of using something other than a gamepad as a controller, gamers are looking for reliable, high performance devices. We're meeting this need with products designed for them."
    Now if they would just do the same thing with the XBOX, I would be a happy camper.
      Wednesday, Mar 12, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Epic Releases UT2K3 Bonus Pack
    - Posted 10:38 AM By Kagato
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    Well, I'm a day late on this posting, so more than likely UT2K3 players alike will already know this, but Epic has finally released their UT2K3 Bonus Pack. A quick rundown of changes include :

  • 10 New Maps (6 DM, 2 CTF, 1 DOM, 1 BR)
  • 3 New Gametypes (Mutant, Last Man Standing, Invasion)
  • 2 New Adrenaline Combos
  • Many other new features (Music Options, Announcer Voice, etc.).

    Too many specifics listed, if you really wanna read through them all, click on the "Read More..." link below. For a listing of download links, check out the Official Homepage for a full list.

    *NOTE* You will need to have the v2199 patch already installed before running the Bonus Pack.
  • Star Wars Battlefield Mod Due Friday
    - Posted 10:47 AM By Kagato
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    If you're into Battlefield 1942 and are looking for a slightly different mod to try out, you may wanna look into Star Wars Battlefield. As the name implies, this is a total mod conversion for Battlefield 1942, bringing you into the Star Wars universe. It's definately in the early stages of development, but they're hoping to release the first alpha version (0.1), this coming Friday (03/14/2003). Included in this release will be:

    Battle of Hoth

    Millenium Falcon
    TIE Fighter
    TIE Bomber
    Land Speeder
    Snow Speeder

    DH-17 (pistol)
    E11 (blaster)
    Hoth Rifle (blaster)
    DL-44 (Han Solo's Blaster)

    If you'd like to check out some early model designs and screenshots of things to come, check out their Showcase section. Cool stuff indeed for the Star Wars fan.

    **UPDATED**Well, looks as if we're gonna have to wait a bit longer. They've just posted an update noting that they won't meet the deadline. No new timeline has been offered at this point.
    NOLF 2 Multiplayer Expansion Released
    - Posted 5:14 PM By Kagato
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    Looks as if there's some much wanted updating out today for fans of the hit PC title, No-One Lives Forever - A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way. The new 1.3 patch released today weighs in at 29MB and contains two new multiplayer modes as well as a whole slew of bug fixes and changes. On top of that, Monolith has also released another map pack, weighint in at 50MB, that contains 10 new multiplayer maps for the two new game modes.

    Patch linkage:

    Map Pack:
      Saturday, Mar 15, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Star Wars Galaxies Launch Delayed
    - Posted 11:16 AM By Kagato
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    Well, come April 15th, taxes will be due to the IRS, unforunately, according to this post from Haden Blackman it looks as if Star Wars Galaxies will not be. Read it and weep:
    I know that many of you have been waiting patiently for the results of our meetings last week. Well, here is our official statement, which will also be posted at LucasArts.com and elsewhere. There are a few more comments at the very end...
    Begin "official" message...

    "Star Wars Galaxies is now entering the final phase of development, and everyone at LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment is pleased with the game's progress since the beta test program was initiated. We've received a good deal of constructive feedback and many positive suggestions that, if executed, will genuinely enhance gameplay for the hundreds of thousands of players who comprise the community.
    To deliver the best possible massively multiplayer experience and ensure stability and breadth of content, LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment will delay the game's April 15 launch. This will enable us to invest more time into the beta program, and to solicit additional feedback from the tremendous fan base Star Wars Galaxies has already developed.

    "In addition, we will not open phase three of the beta program until we feel the game is ready for a wider audience, which we anticipate will be within the next few weeks. A new release date for Star Wars Galaxies will be announced shortly after the beginning of beta three.

    "We are sincerely grateful to the Star Wars Galaxies community for their tremendous support. We respectfully ask for their continued understanding and patience during these final few months leading up to the launch of what we believe will be one of the best MMOs to date."

    End official statement...

    That last paragraph is especially important. We *are* extremely grateful for all your support and the tremendous goodwill we've enjoyed over the past many months. I know that this news is going to be disappointing for some of you, and I can only hope that you'll continue to be patient and supportive of our efforts. For our part, we will continue to work very hard to keep the fantastic relationship we've built with the community intact. We will strive to keep you informed and update you more quickly when changes like this occur.

    Thank you again, for everything you do to make this what I believe is the best MMO community to date.

    Haden Blackman
    LucasArts Producer
    Shame they don't even give any sort of guesstimate as to how long it'll be now before we can even remotely expect it to start shipping.
      Monday, Mar 17, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    IGI2 Upgrade
    - Posted 7:32 PM By Kagato
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    Players of Codemasters' IGI 2: Covert Strike will probably want to grab the new upgrade that they've released today:
    Introducing a new multiplayer jungle mission, the upgrade also enhances the games online and LAN multiplayer functionality. In the mission, IGI operatives have located a Conspiracy base deep inside a jungle. The IGI team's objectives are to turn on the base's generator, hack in to a computer to discover the purpose of the base and finally destroy one of two temple ruins the Conspiracy has been using as cover for the base. Meanwhile the Conspiracy group must defend its base.
    There's also a whole slew of new fixes include in the 40MB upgrade, click on the "Read More..." link below for more info. Alternate links include:

      Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Vietcong Goes Gold
    - Posted 7:07 PM By Kagato
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    There's word floating around that the folks at Pterodon have announced that Vietcong, their Vietnam based first person shooter, is golden. Word:
    Gathering, a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., and developer Illusion Softworks in association with development team Pterodon, today announced "Vietcong" for the PC has gone gold. "Vietcong," a first person shooter set during the Vietnam War, is set to hit stores shelves in March 2003.

    "'Vietcong' recreates the unpredictable nature of lethal jungle combat as players strategically battle through hazardous terrain and mazes of underground tunnels," said Kelly Sumner, President of Gathering. "The game's stunning graphics and intense sound system bring the missions vividly to life."

    Players of Vietcong can...

    * Enter a killing zone as either U.S. or VC soldiers in intense multiplayer action for up to 64 players.
    * Stalk your enemy with an elite force of specially trained soldiers.
    * Fight for honor and freedom in over 20 dramatic missions.
    * Strike from the shadows with more than 20 deadly weapons.
    * Race across hazardous terrain in jeeps, huey's, and riverboats.
    * Stay alert or their next step could trigger trip wires, spikes, or pit traps.
    * Infiltrate dangerous underground lairs containing miles of enemy infested tunnels.
    Now you too can "love the smell of naplam in the morning", the afternoon, evening, or whenever you want!
    3D Flat Screens Due By Year End 2003
    - Posted 7:13 PM By Kagato
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    Will be curious to see how many of these things start showing up at the LAN parties. Anyhow, for those of you that just have to have the coolest, newest hardware, this article over at C|Net may be just the cure for those with $3,000 burning in their pocket. Apparently Sharp is working on a 3D Flat Screen monitor which they hope will become available by the end of this year. Read on my brethren:
    "The 3D monitor should be launched commercially before the end of this year, priced at around 3,000 euros (around $3,190)," a Sharp spokesman said.

    The prototype on display was a 15-inch flat screen. Sharp explained that the screen contains a "parallax barrier" thin-film transistor (TFT) panel that splits the light generated by the monitor such that alternate columns of pixels are seen by each eye, so that each sees a slightly different image.

    For this to work, the user has to be positioned directly in front of the monitor and at the correct distance away--which appears to be around 15 to 20 inches.

    Sharp demonstrated how the 3D monitor could be used to improve game play, by showing a demo of "Quake" where the terrain, monsters and other items appeared in three dimensions. The company also believes that its new system could have applications in sectors such as medical imaging and molecular modeling.
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, enough about games and all, you know the question on most guys' minds is "What about pr0n?".
    Source: C|Net
    Gateway Announces Job Cuts
    - Posted 7:18 PM By Kagato
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    In case you haven't heard, the computer company that everybody seems to hate next to 'ye old Packard Bell (that'd be Gateway), is cutting 1900 folks from their
    , or about 17% of their current employees.
    Gateway Inc. said Monday it is eliminating 1,900 jobs, 17 percent of its work force, in the latest round of fiscal belt-tightening at the beleaguered computer maker. The company also announced plans to close 80 -- nearly a third -- of its Gateway stores by March 24 as part of a plan to save the company about $400 million a year.

    Cutting its work force will allow the company to generate a positive cash flow, a key measure of a business' financial health. Roughly half the job cuts are coming from shuttering the stores. The rest are spread around Gateway's headquarters in Poway and operations and manufacturing facilities around the country.
    I only mention this because Gateway Computers is a fairly large employer here in the Kansas City area wish the best of luck to any/all those affected.
      Thursday, Mar 20, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Cisco Buys Linksys
    - Posted 11:21 AM By Kagato
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    Wow, talk about a rather large purchase. Apparently the folks at Cisco have decided to buy out Linksys, a former competitor in the networking gear market. Valued at approximately $500 million, Cisco will take control of the 300 person Linksys.
    Linksys manufactures about 70 wired and wireless products for homes and small offices, selling them mainly at retail. The Irvine, Calif., company has about 300 employees.

    Cisco will issue common stock worth about $500 million to acquire Linksys, and it expects to the deal to close in the fourth quarter of its fiscal year 2003, which ends in July. Cisco also expects charges for the acquisition to cost subtract no more than 1 cent per share from its fiscal 2004 profit. After charges, the company said it would add about 1 cent to 2004 earnings per share.

    The acquisition has been approved by the board of directors of each company, but will be subject to closing conditions, including a waiting period, under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, Cisco said.
    Hmm, I'm thiking that having the Cisco brand name behind them outta prove to help Linksys in the market a bit.
    Source: C|Net News
    Razer Announces Comeback
    - Posted 3:24 PM By Kagato
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    Well, according to word posted on the official Razer homepage it appears as if they're "Back" in the game, thanks to some help from the European company TerraTec. As part of their comeback, they've also announced the relase of the new Boomslang 2500. While it looks alot like their previous models, they've supposedly made a large number of changes internally.
    Razer proudly announces an EXCLUSIVE alliance with TerraTec in Europe. With the help of TerraTec we officially announced the new & much improved Mystify/Razer Boomslang 2500. For those of you who are not familiar with TerraTec, they are a relatively small, extremely high quality and aggressive maker of sound cards, video cards, audio components, speakers and more.
    Well, let's just hope that perhaps they can finally get some XP drivers released. How many years and counting?
      Friday, Mar 21, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    PC Games On DVD
    - Posted 2:15 PM By Kagato
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    The folks over at HomeLan Fed have posted a new article on a topic I've often wondered about, that being the question on why we don't see more games released on the DVD format. Snip:
    Richard "Levelord" Gray of Ritual Entertainment told HomeLAN, "We have not transitioned yet because the tech, although DVD players are in many machines, it is still relatively new. We will see this switch in the next year or so, but for now it is not common enough." Bo Andersson of GRIN told us, "The call on formats is very much up to the publisher as with all things outside the software itself. Developers always crave for higher specs and more space but as a publisher you have to go with the broad market and render the most units. This I think is the foremost reason to date." And Vic DeLeon of Digitalo told us. "I think it's obvious that many people may be frightened of experimenting with the DVD format when the cost of CD's is still cheaper, and more importantly when *most* PC's out there are not equipped with DVD drives. Of course, I may be completely wrong, but that's my perception of the situation." Dan Jevons of Conspiracy Entertainment said, "Quite simply, our research shows that there are still a large number of PC gamers who don't have DVD drives yet. Obviously it is more convenient to release a title on a single DVD rather than multiple CDs (both for the publisher and the user), but we clearly don't want to exclude those users who haven't made the jump to DVD yet. The obvious solution is to release a title on both CD and DVD formats, though this is actually more complicated than it sounds."
    Sure would be nice if they at least made it an option, I'd much prefer one disc versus having to swap out 3 or 4 just to get a game installed.
    Source: HomeLan Fed
      Tuesday, Mar 25, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    DivX 5.0.4 Schizo Beta 2
    - Posted 9:09 AM By Kagato
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    Been awhile since I've seen an update from the folks at DivX, but it appears as if they've finally released a new revision. The Schizo name in this release comes from the fact that the new version includes the new EKG (Electrokompressiongraph) application. What exactly does EKG do? Well, it "enables an advanced video compressionist to reallocate data to specific scenes within a video clip.".
    Unreal II : The Awakening Patch v1403
    - Posted 9:25 AM By Kagato
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    You've waited for what has likely felt like years on end for an update to resolve lingering issues to the recently released Unreal II : The Awakening. Well, 'lo and behold for it has been made so. Weighing in at a measly 4MB, this patch provides quite an listing of updates, so many that I won't list them all here. If you'd like a full listing, click on the "Read More..." link below or head here. Overall, the one common mentionable in the update is what appears to be the elimination of alot of the crash bugs many users have been reporting. Enjoy.
    Warcraft III : Frozen Throne Expansion Gains Another 10,000
    - Posted 3:02 PM By Kagato
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    If you weren't lucky enough to get in the last batch of folks who were picked by Blizzard to Beta the upcoming Warcraft III : Frozen Throne expansion, fear not. Feeling generous, or perhaps they just really wanna stress test the game, Blizzard has announced they are adding another 10,000 players to join in on the fun.
    Another 10,000 Testers for the Frozen Throne Beta! Blizzard is happy to announce that we will be selecting another 10,000 participants to facilitate the ongoing testing process of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. We are extremely pleased with the results and feedback that the beta test is generating and would like to allow even more players to experience the new features that The Frozen Throne has to offer.

    These additional participants can expect to receive an e-mail from us confirming their participation in the next few days. We’d like to once again thank everyone who applied, and we ask that you please continue to visit www.blizzard.com/war3x for more information on the game. We look forward to seeing all the new faces on Battle.net.
    You may already be a winner!
    BF1942 : Desert Combat To Go The Way Of Shrinkwrap?
    - Posted 3:28 PM By Kagato
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    I know a large portion of Battlefield 1942 players enjoy firing up a game of Desert Combat from time to time. If you've never played Desert Combat, it's basically an entire makeover mod for Battlefield 1942, updating you with modern-day warfare equipment. Well, according to a story over at CNN's Game Over, it sounds as if this currently free mod pack may go the way of store bought software instead. Word:
    "Desert Combat", which was overwhelmingly voted last year's most popular mod, is a free download for now, though that might change with future versions.

    "We've been approached by multiple publishers to try and sell it," said DeLise, "so it's probably not going to be a mod for long. It'll be more of an expansion pack."
    Now granted, these guys have done alot of work on this mod and I suppose they deserve some credit (or cash) for their time and effort that's been put into it. Just gonna suck not having it for free anymore =P.
    Source: CNN
      Thursday, Mar 27, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    New Detonators - v43.45
    - Posted 8:47 PM By Kagato
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    At long last, Nvidia has finally finally decided to grace us with a new detonator driver release. No word on what additions or changes they've made this time around, but hey, they're newer than the 41.xx that've been posted for what seems like an eternity now. As per the norm, you can find them in several OS variations:

      Monday, Mar 31, 2003 Report News | Archive | Top  
    Who Needs Speakers When You Have LCD?
    - Posted 3:25 PM By Kagato
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    Engineers. They're always coming up with ways to combine multiple products into one single, and hopefully easy-to-use, product. Well, looks like the folks at NXT are working toward that end with the combination of LCD display and flat panel speakers. Most amazingly is that they do this with no interference or degrade to the video quality of the LCD panel.
    Its SoundVu technology has already been built into two models by Japanese electronics giant NEC.

    NXT says it also could be used for other products like flat-screen televisions and is talking to several electronics manufacturers about the technology.

    The Cambridge-based firm is best known for creating the technology behind flat-panel speakers.
    Even if it doesn't have the worlds best sound quaility, for those who aren't interested in surround sound or EAX quality audio, it's a spiffy (*gasp*) way to reclaim some desk space for more computer junk.
    Source: BBC News


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